[:ja]<ご案内>2015年10月11日(日)14:30、 香港理工大学、蔣震劇院にて「第8回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会」を開催いたします。香港で古典舞踊を学ぶ日本人、香港人の30名が日々の稽古の成果を披露いたします。艶やかな着物姿、心地よい邦楽の音色、背筋がピシッとするような日本伝統芸能の世界を楽しんでいただけたら嬉しく思います。香港でご活躍の生田流京都當道會、今竹三惠さんと門下生が友情出演してくださります。お箏演奏と日本舞踊コラボの演出もどうぞお楽しみください。皆様のご来場を心よりお持ちしています。

*詳細はposterをご覧ください。外題は、地唄八千代獅子、長唄島の千歳、長唄俄獅子、長唄元禄花見踊などの12番。チケットお申込み、お問合はこちらまで矢印 (右) 電話6760-8477 /

[:en]<Announcement> We cordially invite you to the 8th Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Dance Performance, which will be held at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 11th October 2015 (Sunday). About 30 Japanese and Hong Kong students will present their wonderful performances of Japanese traditional dance. With their colourful kimonos, pleasant music and elegant body movements, the audience will be brought into the beautiful world of traditional Japan. In addition, Ms. Mie Imatake of Ikuta Ryu Kyoto Toudoukai, a famous Japanese koto teacher in Hong Kong, and her students are invited to be our guest performers. The collaboration of Japanese koto and traditional dance performance will surely be the highlight of this year. Please come and enjoy our show!!

Please see our poster for details. For enquiry or ticketing, please feel free to call us at 6760-8477
