ビデオ:第八屆若柳流日本舞踊公演香之會 2016年2月9日

第八回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会

恭賀新禧!在過去一年,感謝大家對香之會的支持。現送上2015年「第八屆若柳流日本舞踊公演香之會」的照片,期望今年的演出會更加精彩,也請大家繼續支持香之會!Happy Chinese new year!!Thank all of you for your support in the past year. To welcome the new year, let us share with you our wonderful moments of the "8th Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Dance Performance" in 2015. May this year bring new happiness and success to you and Konokai!! Please continue to support us!!

Публикувахте от 日本舞踊 若柳流 香之會 Wakayagi Ryu Konokai в Събота, 6 февруари 2016 г.


餅つき新年会 2016年3月6日



2016年深セン新年パーティー 2016年2月27日




熊本地震被災者支援のチャリティーイベント 2016年4月24日




香港初の名取誕生(日本人4名、香港人3名) 2016年7月3日

この度、香港より初の若柳流新名取が7名、誕生いたしました。(京都若柳会館にて試験)、初心にかえり更に、弟子と共に精進して参ります。 引き続き変わらぬご支援、ご叱責をお願い申し上げます。


2016 香の会浴衣パーティー 2016年8月28日

8月28 日 (日) New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel, Grand Ballroom にて「2016香之會浴衣パーティー」を開催いたしました。ご来場いただきました参加者の皆様、並びにご協力いただきました各方面の方々に厚く御礼申し上げます。
香港の夏も浴衣❢ パーティーを通じて、普段の生活では触れる機会のない日本舞踊や日本伝統文化を気軽に愉しんでいただきたい、そういう思いでスタートしたこのパーティーも今年は6回目を迎え、200人近い参加者が出席してくれました。香港ゆかりの様々な国の方もご来場いただき、日本文化に親しみながら楽しい時間をご一緒することができました。

ステージでは6人の名取による日本舞踊、福岡からアトリエ香、書家の香之先生によるダイナミックな感動の書道パフォーマンス、魚返佳代先生演出による、Ballet Blancよりキッズ浴衣バレエと和太鼓グループKarakaのパフォーマンス、 ものまね、浴衣ショー、ラッキードローと盛り沢山のプログラムで進行いたしました。MCは香港でご活躍中のSOKOさん。DJは今年も佐賀から Yutaka Fukuoka さんが素敵な音楽をご用意して駆けつけてくれました。ゲストの皆様は友情出演でパーティーを盛り上げて下さり、感謝の気持ちで一杯です。
又、大変ご多忙の中をご来場いただきご挨拶して下さった若井節子様(B&W Far East Publicity Ltd代表)、荻野正明様(香港和僑会、和僑総会会長)、協賛品ご提供のスポンサーの皆様、及びご支援ご協力下さった全ての皆様に厚く御礼申し上げます。



「第9回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会」開催 2016年10月10日

<ご案内> 芸術の秋がやって来ました。香港の喧騒を離れ心落ち着く日本文化をお楽しみ下さい。

2016年11月6日(日)14:30、 香港理工大学、蔣震劇院にて「第9回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会」開催❢



日本秋祭 in 香港/PMQ縁日(EN×NICHI)2016年10月19日

10月14日~16日の3日間開催された「日本秋祭 in 香港 / PMQ縁日(EN×NICHI)」。今年も香之會日本舞踊パフォーマンスと盆踊り指導で参加させていただきました。夜の野外で踊る日本舞踊は、いつもの舞台とは又雰囲気も違い乙なもの。盆踊りは今年も高知の「正調よさこい鳴子踊り」を「縁日ガールズ」の皆さんに指導させていただきました。とても可愛らしくてほのぼのとした感動でした。縁日のイベント開幕式にも林鄭月娥(キャリー・ラム)香港特別行政区政府政務長官と、安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣夫人も来られていて、帰り際に安倍総理夫人や松田大使ご夫妻からも先の「秋祭り開幕式」の日舞について思いもかけず嬉しいお言葉をかけていただき、温かいお心遣いに胸が一杯になりました。ありがとうございました。香港の「日本のお祭り」として益々パワーアップしたPMQ縁日、主催者の遠藤さん、関係者の皆様のご尽力の賜物と心から敬意と感謝を申し上げます。


「香港で日本を楽しもう!」10月~11月の2ヶ月間、在香港日本国総領事館と地元コミュニティが協力、開催中の「日本秋祭in香港-魅力再発見 -」。その記念すべき第1回目の開幕式に日本文化披露で出演させていただきました。主催者側は松田邦紀大使、香港側からは林鄭月娥(キャリー・ラム)香港特別行政区政府政務長官、日本側からは安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣夫人が来港されご挨拶されました。このような素晴らしい舞台に立たせていただき大変光栄でした。日本伝統芸能を世界に伝えられる舞踊家になれるよう日々精進して参ります。大塚領事、文化部の皆様、お世話になりありがとうございました❦❦期間中のイベントカレンダーはこちらhttp://www.hk.emb-japan.go.jp/autumnfes/ja-jp/index.html11月6日(日)は香の会若柳流日本舞踊公演です。沢山の方に日本舞踊に触れていただけたら嬉しく存じますhttp://www.hk.emb-japan.go.jp/autumnfes/ja-jp/detail.html?#=035

Публикувахте от 若柳智香(香之會 Konokai) в Вторник, 18 октомври 2016 г.



第9回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会 2016年11月27日

在香港日本国総領事館主催「日本秋祭りin 香港」認定の「第9回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会」は11月6日(日)香港理工大學、蔣震劇院にて、盛会のうちに無事終える事ができました。これもひとえに日頃より香の会をご支援下さる皆様方のお蔭と心より御礼申し上げます。生徒達もそれぞれに力を発揮し、思い出深い一日となりました。又今年は四世家元若柳壽延様から名取を許された7人にとっては、記念すべき舞台となり、これを機にさらに精進してくれることと思います。来年は香の会10周年を迎えます。これから又新たな目標に向かって稽古に励んで参ります。どうぞ、今後ともご指導ご鞭撻の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。各方面でご協力いただきました関係者の皆様、御来場賜りました皆様に厚く御礼申し上げます。

引き続き写真が仕上がり次第UP して参りますので、会の様子をご覧いただければ嬉しく存じます。



12月6日、在香港日本国総領事館主催、天皇誕生日祝賀レセプション(アイランドシャングリラホテルにて)に今年も2人でご招待いただきました。今年は沢山のイベントが重なり、松田大使ご夫妻とも何度かお目にかかれることができとても光栄な1年でした。又B&W ファーイーストパブリシティ若井節子社長には大変お世話になり、香港柔道館の岩見館長とは、度々お会いすることができました。今年は母が大切にしていた梅柄のお着物で出かけました。毎年、着用するお着物を選べる事も楽しみの一つです。1年に1度この場所でお話しできる事を楽しみにしていた方々に残念ながらお目にかかることができなかった。来年はきっと又お会いできますように・・・。今年も沢山の出会いと素晴らしいご縁に、感謝申し上げます。そして、謹んで天皇陛下のお誕生日をお祝い申し上げます。❦❦



年末茶会End-of-Year Tea Ceremony 2016年12月12日
11日城市大學茶室「友香庵」にて、茶道裏千家室田社中による「年末茶会End-of-Year Tea Ceremony」が開催されました。




Notice: 2016 Shenzhen New Year party Feb 8, 2016

A joint new year party will be held in Shenzhen with the theme “Revitalization and mutual exchange of each community” by the Hong Kong Business Club planning.


Video: “8th Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Dance Performance” in 2015      Feb 9, 2016

第八回若柳流日本舞踊公演 香の会

恭賀新禧!在過去一年,感謝大家對香之會的支持。現送上2015年「第八屆若柳流日本舞踊公演香之會」的照片,期望今年的演出會更加精彩,也請大家繼續支持香之會!Happy Chinese new year!!Thank all of you for your support in the past year. To welcome the new year, let us share with you our wonderful moments of the "8th Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Dance Performance" in 2015. May this year bring new happiness and success to you and Konokai!! Please continue to support us!!

Публикувахте от 日本舞踊 若柳流 香之會 Wakayagi Ryu Konokai в Събота, 6 февруари 2016 г.

Japan 311 5th anniversary topic activity Mar 9, 2016

The date of “The Japan 511 anniversary topic activity” at Hong Kong Public University is nearing. Following the seminars of Part 1 and Part 2, we will show “Japanese Culture Experience” lecture and Nihonbuyo at the third part. Anyone can join, so I would be happy if you could come.

✤ participation fee; free of charge
✤ Date and time: 2016.03.12 13: 30-17: 30
✤ Venue: 香港公開大学 銀禧學院



Charity event for support of victims of the Kumamoto earthquake Apr 21, 2016

We will hold a charity event to support the victims of the Kumamoto earthquake with volunteers from dancers and musicians living in Hong Kong.

We look forward to your participation by those who support you. Let’s all support Kumamoto, Oita, Kyushu ❦❦

support of victims of the Kumamoto earthquake


Charity event supporting Kumamoto earthquake victims Apr 26, 2016

On April 24 (Sunday), I participated in a charity event supporting the victims of the Kumamoto earthquake by volunteer musicians, dancers living in Hong Kong. The efforts of the organizers who held such a wonderful event in a short time, the hot feelings of everyone who cheered us became a big energy, it was an impressive day when our thoughts became one. Many people from Kumamoto and Kyushu also came to the venue, and everyone was feeling the same as my hometown, and my heart ached. There were 130 participants and a donation of HK $ 39420 gathered on this day. Thank you for your warm support. Dr. Lumi sensei, Shinobu who was an organizer who spoke to the event, thank you everyone.

supporting Kumamoto supporting Kumamoto supporting Kumamoto

supporting Kumamoto


7 passed the Natori examination Jul 15, 2016

<Report> Thank you for your continuing support. 7 disciples of mine passed the Natori examination successfully on July 3rd. I report it here that Hong Kong’s first Wakayanagi Natoris were born from the “Konokai” here. It was also my first time as a Natori cellector, and I had a very valuable study with my disciple. Congratulations!



Notice: Yukata Party 2016 Jul 22. 2016

We will have a Yukata party this year too ♪ Wear a yukata and why don’t you join us for a little luxurious time? There are plenty of wonderful things in the party this year, such as Japanese dance and calligraphy performances, DJ, Yukata show, lucky draw. I would like to welcome everyone.
Date and time: Sunday, August 28, 2016 12: 00-15: 00 (11:30 reception start)


2016 Konokai Yukata Party Sep 4, 2016

On August 28 (Sun), we held  “2016 Konokai Yukata party” at New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel, Grand Ballroom. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the participants who participated in the event, as well as to the various people who cooperated.
Let’s wear Yukata in HK as well! This summer party started again with such a feeling that we would like to you enjoy Japanese dance and Japanese traditional culture that many of you usually don’t have a chance much in everyday life. This year is the sixth time to have this party, and nearly 200 participants attended. We were able to se many nationalities in the guests and we were able to have a good time while being familiar with Japanese culture.

On the stage, we had the performances by 6 Natori members, a dynamic touching calligraphy performance by the calligrapher Kono Sensei who is from the atelier Ko from Fukuoka, the Kids’ Yukata Ballet conducted by Ms Kayo Ukaeri  (Ballet Blanc), the performance from the Japanese drum group, the Karaka performance, from Ballet Blanc, a mimicing performance, a yukata show and a lucky draw we progressed. Our MC was SOKO who is active in Hong Kong. The DJ, Yagura Fukuoka came from Saga with wonderful music. Guests are all filled with gratitude thank you for having a party with friendship appearances.
Also, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Setsuko Wakai (Representative of B & W Far East Publicity Ltd) who came to the party to give a greeting when busy and Mr. Masaaki Ogino (Chairman of the Hong Kong Wakyo Association, Chairman of the Wakyosokai),  other sponsors. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported and cooperated.
Summer in Hong Kong is still going on, but from now on we will switch to the art fall as well! Strict training will begin for the performance that will be happening on November 6 at last. I would appreciate your continuing support.
Thank you very much.


The 9th Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Dance Performance Oct 10, 2016

We cordially invite you to the 9th Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Dance Performance, which will be held at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 6th November 2016 (Sunday). About 30 Japanese and Hong Kong students will present their wonderful performances of Japanese traditional dance. With their colourful kimonos, pleasant music and elegant body movements, the audience will be brought into the beautiful world of traditional Japan. Please come and enjoy our show!!

Please see our poster for details. For enquiry or ticketing, please feel free to call us at 6760-8477 or visit our website at http://www.konokaihk.com/


Japan Autumn Festival in Hong Kong / PMQ Ennichi (EN × NICHI) Oct 19, 2016

Japan Autumn Festival in Hong Kong / PMQ Ennichi (EN × NICHI)” held from 14th to 16th October. This year we also participated in the Konokai dance performance and for the Bon Odori guidance. The Japanese dance which dances outdoors in the evening is different from the usual stage and the atmosphere is also different. For Bon Odori, we taught “Ennichi Girls” Kochi’s “Seicho Yosakoi Naruko Dance” this year too. It was pretty cute and warm touching. Also at the event opening ceremony of the festival, Carrie Lam Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Governor Secretary and Abe Akie Prime Minister ‘s wife made an appearance, and on the way leaving, Mrs. Abe and Ambassador Mr. and Mrs. Matsuda gave us very nice words about the performance that we had the other day, I was pleasantly surprised. Thank you very much. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and and heartfelt thanks to Mr. Endo, the organizer and all the stakeholders who have been powering up more and more for the “Japanese festival” in Hong Kong.

PMQ Ennichi (EN × NICHI) PMQ Ennichi (EN × NICHI) PMQ Ennichi (EN × NICHI) PMQ Ennichi (EN × NICHI)

「香港で日本を楽しもう!」10月~11月の2ヶ月間、在香港日本国総領事館と地元コミュニティが協力、開催中の「日本秋祭in香港-魅力再発見 -」。その記念すべき第1回目の開幕式に日本文化披露で出演させていただきました。主催者側は松田邦紀大使、香港側からは林鄭月娥(キャリー・ラム)香港特別行政区政府政務長官、日本側からは安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣夫人が来港されご挨拶されました。このような素晴らしい舞台に立たせていただき大変光栄でした。日本伝統芸能を世界に伝えられる舞踊家になれるよう日々精進して参ります。大塚領事、文化部の皆様、お世話になりありがとうございました❦❦期間中のイベントカレンダーはこちらhttp://www.hk.emb-japan.go.jp/autumnfes/ja-jp/index.html11月6日(日)は香の会若柳流日本舞踊公演です。沢山の方に日本舞踊に触れていただけたら嬉しく存じますhttp://www.hk.emb-japan.go.jp/autumnfes/ja-jp/detail.html?#=035

Публикувахте от 若柳智香(香之會 Konokai) в Вторник, 18 октомври 2016 г.



Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese dance performance Nov 27, 2016

“The 9th Wakayagi Ryu Dance Performance Konokai” certified by “Japan Autumn Fest in HK” sponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong was able to finish safely at Chiang Chen Studio Theatre at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on Sunday, November 6. Again thank you and heartfelt thanks to everyone for your support for Konokai. The students also demonstrated their abilities and it became a memorable day. In addition, this year it will be a memorable stage for seven people who was allowed to take Natori from the fourth generation family Wakayagi Juen, and I think that they will devote even more to this. Next year we will have the 10th anniversary for Konokai. I will continue to practice again for my new goal. Please continue your guidance and encouragement in the future for us. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone involved, who cooperated in various fields, to everyone who gave us the opportunity.

We will continue to upload photos as they are finished so we would be pleased if you could see how it went.



Emperor’s Birthday Celebration Reception Dec 8, 2016

On December 6th, we were invited to the emperor ‘s birthday celebration reception (at the Island Shangri – La Hotel) hosted by the Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong this year. A lot of events overlapped this year, it was a very honored year for me to be able to meet Ambassador Matsuda and his wife several times. In addition, I was indebted to Ms. Setsuko Wakai, the president of B & W Far East Publicity, and I was able to meet with Mr. Iwami, Director of Hong Kong judo-kan, from time to time. This year I went out with a kimono with a plum pattern that my mother valued. Every year, being able to choose the kimono to wear is also one of the pleasure. Unfortunately I could not see some people who were looking forward to being able to speak at this place once a year. I wish I could see them again next year. I wish to express my gratitude for many encounters and wonderful fellows this year. And congratulate to celebrate the birthday of the Emperor.


End-of-Year Tea Ceremony Dec 12, 2016

On 11th,  “Year-end tea ceremony End-of-Year Tea Ceremony”  was held at the City University’s tea ceremony room “Tomokaan” by Sado Urasenke Murota.
Thanks to Professor Sowa Murota for her kindness, she invited five students from Konokai, and this year we also experienced a Japanese traditional culture study meeting and a tea ceremony. Among the swings of Japanese dance, there are also many dances incorporating the tea manners. I’d like to experience “a feeling to enjoy tea,” so that even a little depth will come out in my daily life. I myself want to get rid of all the sorrowful world, everything we do not need, and I want to be able to dance with pure, beautiful, natural appearance and natural heart. Every year when entering this tea room I can calmly spend that year. Ms. Murota, everyone in the group, Ms. Kazumi Miura, thank you for giving such precious opportunities. Professor Murota, I pray all from my heart for your health and success.
Thank you again.