
若柳智香 Wakayagi Chika

  • Obtained Wakayagi Ryu Natori (1979)
  • Obtained Master of Traditional Japanese Dance 2nd degree (1991)
  • Obtained Master of Traditional Japanese Dance the top degree (2019)
  • New Japanese Dance Mutsumi Kai Natori “Mutsumi Satoka”
  • Founder of NIHONBUYO WAKAYAGI RYU KONOKAI (since 1999)
  • A member of the NIHONBUYO Association
  • A member of The KOCHI KEN NIHONBUYO Association
  • Awarded the Foreign Minister’s Commendation (2018) from Consulate-General of Japan in HK
  • Hong Kong Open University Japanese Studies Course Suburban Advisor (2019-2021)

Born in Kochi, Japan, she studied Japanese dance from an early age and gained various stage experiences. She studied under Chijyu Wakayagi, and she is a first-class master of the Wakayagi style. Chika Wakayagi came to Hong Kong in 1990 for her marriage. In 1999, she established the Wakayanagi style Japanese dance class “Konokai”. She is a member of Japan Traditional Dance Association Inc. and the Kochi Prefecture Japan Dance Association. She presides over the “Wakayagi-style Japanese Dance Konokai”. Awarded the Foreign Minister’s Commendation in 2018. She is a suburban advisor to the Open University of Hong Kong Japanese Studies Course. She participated in international cultural exchange projects sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong, including presentations, and served as a lecturer at Japanese dance workshops and demonstrations sponsored by universities in Hong Kong and Macau, and spread and educated Japanese dance, strive for activities.

Major stage history

22、長唄 鷺娘  (2018-10-28 大阪国立文楽劇場)
21、長唄 藤娘 (2018-3-3 香港)
20、清元 四季三番叟 (2018-3-3 香港)
19、長唄 都鳥 (2017-5-21 高知 白鷺会賞受賞)
18、大和楽 まほろばの四季 (2016-5-15 日本舞踊協会高知県支部)
17、長唄 藤娘 (2015-2-8 東京国立小劇場)
16、大和楽 鐘 (2014-5-18 高知 白鷺会)
15、長唄 俄獅子 (2012-2-26 大阪国立文楽劇場)
14、新邦楽 切支丹道成寺
13、長唄 京鹿子 娘道成寺
12、長唄 連獅子
11、大和楽 おせん
10、秦風楽 一葉抄(たけくらべ)
9、大和楽 恋灯籠
8、長唄 連獅子(胡蝶)
7、長唄 春興鏡獅子
6、長唄 新鹿の子
5、常磐津 勢獅子(鳶)
4、長唄 新一つとや
3、常磐津 五色晒
2、長唄 雪の傾城(禿)
1、義太夫 蝶の道行

Kirishitan Dojoji

Nagauta Musume Dojoji

Nagauta Musume Dojoji

Nagauta Renjishi

Yamatogaku Osen


Yamatogaku koidoro

Renjishi (Kocyo)

Nagauta Kagamijishi

Nagauta Shin kanoko



Nagauta Shin hitotutoya

Tokiwazu Goshiki Zarashi

Yukino Keisei (Kamuro)

Gidaiu Cyono Michiyuki